Health & Safety
Health and Safety Training
The principal elements of the service consist of:
- A programme of Business Safety Evaluation visits providing an initial gap analysis/compliance review and ongoing support with an overview of improvement status
- The provision of a tailored Business Safety Management System enabling proactive management of your Health & Safety issues
- A programme of Training visits
- Updates of all statutory and legislative changes
- The provision of knowledge improvement levels and supporting legislative and best practice methods of working
- Conduct a personal risk assessment for patients / residents
- Liaison with the enforcement authorities in the event of a serious accident or Improvement Notice
Our first step is to ensure that your organisation is thoroughly checked by our Business Safety Consultants enabling a benchmark status of Health & Safety. The performance report will start from a strategic perspective, evaluating company goals for attaining and maintaining compliance across your organisation.
The evaluation will then go on to assess performance standards in the following critical areas:
Health & Safety Policy
- Health & Safety Policy Statement
- Organisational Responsibilities
- Safety Arrangements (what is going to be done in practice)
- Safeguarding and Security
- Communication and consultation with Employees
Training & Consultation
- Assessments to identify H&S training requirements
- Induction Training
- Refresher training
Risk Assessment
- General risk assessments
- Fire risk assessments
- Lone Working
- Violence and Aggression
- Sanitary washing and drinking facilities
- Hazardous substances
- Display screen equipment
- Manual handling
- New and expectant mothers
- Young persons
- Occupational road safety
Welfare/Working Environment
- Lighting
- Control of slips, trips and falls
- Cleanliness and housekeeping
- Hazard reporting
- Sanitary washing and drinking facilities
- Rest and eating areas
- Maintenance of water, electrical and gas systems
- Racking and other storage systems
Accident/Accident Reporting
- Accident/incident reporting systems
- Accident Book
- Portable electrical applicances (PAT)
- Employee information
Equipment Use
- Safe operation of equipment
- Equipment maintenance
- Portable electrical applicances (PAT)
- Training
Fire & Emergency Procedures
- Fire risk assessment
- Emergency procedures
- Systems for contacting emergency services
- Fire fighting equipment
- Evacuation procedures/drills
First Aid
- First aid risk assessment
- Procedures

For a health & safety training and ConsultancyCall us on 01935 473575 or email us through the form on the contact us page